The Bloodiest Square Mile

A film titled ‘The Bloodiest Square Mile’ was put together as a tribute to all the Veterans of the 1st Battalion the Suffolk Regiment who fought in Normandy in 1944. And to the memory of Major Ken Mayhew.

The film tells the story of two of the battles that the Suffolk Regiment fought in Normandy. The first the bloody battle for Chateau de La Londe in late June 1944 when the Regiment successfully attacked a heavily defended Chateau unsupported by tanks, with similar casualties to some of the worst battles in the First World War.

The second to dislodge a fanatical German Parachute Regiment, who were fighting desperately to cover the German retreat, from the area of the Tinchebray crossroads during the Allied breakout in early August.

This film was made by Angus Robertson and Graeme Hodges with the help of Lt Colonel Tony Slater OBE and Brigadier Tony Calder OBE DL.

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