Bristol Normandy Veterans Pilgrimage to Normandy with Arena Travel

Ken TurnerĀ  the Chairman and Social secretary contacted the SONT to say that they had a very well organised trip, that the coach was exceptionally comfortable and they all marvelled at the skill of the driver manoeuvring the giant 6 wheeler in and out of the tiny Normandy Villages.

Many of the veterans had special places that they wished to revisit and he made special thanks to their guide Major Bob Darby, who with his intimate knowledge of the battlefields and a flexible approach, managed to fulfil all the requests

New friends were made on the pilgrimage, especially Dr. Jonathan Leach who took great care of a couple of the ‘lads’ who developed medical problems along the way.

He added that here was a wonderful atmosphere of camaraderie throughout and they hope they will all be able to meet again next year.

More pictures on – Facebook ‘Bristol Normandy Veterans’

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