On Monday 18th January at 7pm (1900hrs) GMT, David Innes will be presenting the story of the capture of Pegasus Bridge on D-Day, followed by a question-and answer session by David and Paul Beaver. This is a joint presentation by the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Trust and the Army Flying Museum. The lecture is pre-recorded but the Q&A will be live.
To log on to this talk, go to either https://www.sofo.org.uk/whats-on/thepegasusbridgestorymaf/ or https://www.armyflying.com/lock…/the-pegasus-bridge-story/
David has produced a short trailer about the talk, and this can be seen at either https://www.sofo.org.uk/whats-on/ or https://www.armyflying.com/…/trailer-the-pegasus…/